2015年10月21日 星期三

《CQ 與你》

CQ 與你


在全球化環境下,這些不同的人會走在一起,甚至組成目標一致的群體,例如同班同學、體育隊伍、合唱團、公司團隊等。要令團隊發揮最大的效用,跟自己不同類型的人成為好朋友,現在你最需的是提升你的CQ文化智商。Early & Ang 在2003年的企業商管領域中提出了CQ的概念,把CQ定義成「測量一個人在不同國家、不同民俗與不同組織文化中,能否有效運作的能力」。高CQ的人未必是語言專家 ,但他們能理解不同文化,善於解讀不同行為﹙不論是語言或身體語言﹚背後的文化原因。CQ是可以透過教育和經驗培養的。

香港文化智商研究中心www.hkcqcenter.org致力提升香港人的CQ。我們 將舉辦講座、工作坊、研討會和課程等,令香港成為真正多元文化之都!

2015年10月20日 星期二



自法國心理學家比奈(Alfred Binet)上世紀初發明了「智力測驗」以來,人們對「智商」(Intelligence Quotient,簡稱IQ)的研究和應用已有百多年歷史。一般人都相信,IQ高表示天資聰穎,求學時成績優異,工作中精明能幹,做甚麼事都會比人優勝。

不過,智力並不是成功的唯一因素。一個人成就的大小,還要看他的工作態度,夠不夠認真、勤奮,有沒有恆心;遇上需要合作才能完成的任務,更要善於與人相處。這些特質跟智力相對獨立,並不是IQ高的人必然具備的。上世紀90代中,人們開始重視由美國心理學家薩洛維(Peter Salovey)提出的「情緒智商」(或「情商」;Emotional Intelligence Quotient,簡稱EQ)EQ量度的,是一個人察覺和評估自己和他人情緒的能力。有的研究認為,作為成功領袖的特質,EQIQ更為重要。

本世紀初,又出現了一種新的智商:「文化智商」(Cultural Intelligence Quotient簡稱CQ)。這概念由新加坡南洋理工大學商學院教授洪洵(Soon Ang)和美國密西根州立大學管理學教授范戴茵(Linn Van Dyne)共同開發,並因2003年出版的暢銷書《文化智商:跨文化人際互動》(洪洵和康乃狄克大學商學院院長Christopher Earley合著)而引起廣泛的興趣。


關於IQEQCQ三者的關係,領袖人才培訓機構「共同目的」(Common Purpose)的創始人兼行政總裁米德爾頓(Julia Middleton)有這樣的說明:有IQ領袖能夠應付大量複雜的資料,善於把資料整理。高IQ的領袖認識到「人」的因素不能忽視,於是把EQ加到自己的工具箱裡。有EQ的領袖有知人之明,但他們所「知」的,往往只是和自己相似的人。高EQ的領袖明白自己不但要了解跟自己相似的人,還要了解和自己完全不同的人,於是就要CQ




2015年10月18日 星期日









2015年10月15日 星期四


 自從上世紀德國心理學家L.W. Stern 提出IQ以來,人們便開始對智力作系統性的研究。
在1995年,美國Daniel Goleman首先提出EQ概念。其中最著名的要數「糖果實驗」。研究員把一顆糖放在一群4歲小孩面前,說他現在要出去辦點事,一會回來。期間他們可以拿一顆糖,要是誰能等他回來時才拿糖,便可以多拿一顆。結果有人急不及待便拿了一顆,但亦有忍著待15分鐘研究員回來,最後取得兩顆糖。結果顯示,取得兩顆糖的小孩長大後的成就明顯比先拿糖的小孩高。對小朋友來說,沒有什麼比控制衝動更難了。

CQ 是什麼?

CQ文化智商。Early & Ang 在2003年的企業商管領域中提出了CQ的概念,把CQ定義成「測量一個人在不同國家、不同民俗與不同組織文化中,能否有效運作的能力」。高CQ的人未必是語言專家 ,但他們能理解不同文化,善於解讀不同行為﹙不論是語言或身體語言﹚背後的文化原因。CQ是可以透過教育和經驗培養的。

香港文化智商研究中心www.hkcqcenter.org致力提升香港人的CQ。我們 將舉辦講座、工作坊、研討會等,令香港成為真正多元文化之都!

2015年10月8日 星期四

What is your cultural intelligence?

 What is your Cultural Intelligence? Youth study measures to be successful in today's globalised world. 

 People to People Ambassador Programs Partners with the Cultural Intelligence Center, Pilot Study Confirms Educational Travel Program Structured to Enhance Student's Cultural Intelligence

SPOKANE, Wash. – September 27, 2010 – People to People Ambassador Programs, the leader inglobal educational travel experiences, today announced the results of a pilot study conducted with The Cultural Intelligence Center of East Lansing, Michigan. The pilot study measured the Cultural Intelligence (CQ) of Virginia high school students that traveled internationally with People to People Student Ambassador Programs to discover the impact the program had on the students' individual CQ – a research based, proven way to measure and develop the ability to adapt to a variety of cultural situations.

CQ is similar to IQ and EQ (emotional intelligence quotient) in that it quantifies a set of capabilitiesbelieved to be important to both personal and professional success. It is unique in that it focuses specifically on the skills needed for success in unfamiliar cultures. 

"Cultural understanding and engagement have always been core values in how we structure our educational travel programs, in fact long before CQ became a recognized concept," said Peg Thomas, president of People to People Ambassador Programs. "But this study helped confirm the cultural immersion benefits and opportunities we offer with our programs. Additionally, we are thrilledto confirm via the research findings that our inspirational teachers who lead our travel experiences are big drivers for both enhancing and improving a student's CQ."

Using the CQ Self-Assessment, the only academically tested CQ assessment in the world, studentsmeasured their CQ before and after traveling abroad on a People to People experience. CQ is measured in four areas: Drive – What's my interest in this cross-cultural assignment?

Knowledge – What cultural information is needed to fulfill this task?; Strategy – What's my plan?; and
Action – What behaviors do I need to adopt to do this effectively? 

Key findings from the pilot study concluded that students had significant enhancement in their CQ

after traveling abroad with People to People, saw comprehensive CQ enhancement across all four

areas: Drive, Knowledge, Strategy, Action and that the People to People program had the highest

impact on Action, the most difficult of the four CQ areas to increase. 

"It's not a foregone conclusion that students who travel abroad see an increase in CQ," said David

Livermore, PhD, author of Leading with Cultural Intelligence and senior research consultant with the

Cultural Intelligence Center. "The big difference is that People to People intentionally structures its

programs to enhance CQ. In fact, we have found that many of the most well intentioned

service-based mission trips and family travel experiences do not impact or increase CQ." 

People to People Ambassador Programs travel to more than 49 countries on all seven continents

and program participants come from over 100 nations. The organization trains more than 5,000

teachers each year who lead students on educational travel experiences, and 84 percent of students

who have traveled on a People to People program report being accepted into their college of choice.

"The next generation of leaders needs to start working now on their CQ," said Cynthia Beath,

professor emerita, McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin.

Along with People to People Ambassador Programs, there are a number of companies, government

agencies and non-profits tapping into the benefits associated with CQ, including Bank of America,

IBM, U.S. Department of Justice, Georgetown, Stanford, the Red Cross and World Vision.

About the Cultural Intelligence Center

The Cultural Intelligence Center (CQC) is a private business dedicated to improving the

understanding of Cultural Intelligence (CQ). The center offers the first academically validated

instrument to measure cultural intelligence. The center also sponsors research, conducts training,

and presents workshops and information sessions on CQ to audiences around the world.

About People to People Ambassador Programs

People to People Ambassador Programs is the world's most recognized and respected educational

travel provider. Since 1963 more than 400,000 people from around the world have traveled with

People to People Ambassador Programs to help further global understanding through cross-cultural

exchange. Offering unmatched safety measures and unparalleled access to foreign cultures and

countries, People to People Ambassador Programs promotes personal success in a globalized

world and fosters international friendships for both students and professional adults.

People to People Ambassador Programs is the exclusive educational travel provider of People to

People International (PTPI), a nonprofit organization founded in 1956 by President Dwight D.

Eisenhower to promote peace through understanding worldwide. Together, PTPI and People to

People Ambassador Programs are united in a mission to bridge cultural and political borders through

education and exchange.

About Ambassadors Group

Ambassadors Group Inc. (NASDAQ: EPAX) is a socially conscious, education company

headquartered in Spokane, Wash. Ambassadors Group is the parent company of Ambassador

Programs Inc. (which administrates People to People Ambassador Programs), World Adventures

Unlimited, and BookRags, an educational research website. The company also oversees the

Washington School of World Studies, an accredited travel study and distance learning school.

Additional information about Ambassadors Group and its subsidiaries is available
